Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm becoming one of those people who takes pictures of their pet...

Attack the blanket!!!!

She loves holding onto my arm chair rest and nuzzling it... it's so cute....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Smooth operator...

This cat blows me away with her skills in the combo moves. She's seemless as she jumps from erratic behaviour to the next. For that, I love her.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Fixie was sleeping on the couch. She was fully stretched out parallel to the couch... as she yawned and stretched and meowed... she rolled over and off the couch in one sweeping motion. It may have been the cutest thing I have seen ever.

It was like this.... then she rolled over and off.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Fixie really has the COOLEST fur I've ever seen! I guess you could call her a 'tortoise', but she's grey, white and ORANGE. So strange! So fluffy! She totally kept my feet warm last night! Cuteeeeeee!!!!!

Caption: " Stretch..... meeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwwww..... puuurrrrrrrrr"

Monday, November 24, 2008


This is Fixie!

(Is isn't her permanent name. I am a avid cyclist learning how to ride a fix gear bike, aka fixies. When my friend made a comment about how she was 'fixated' with me, and how she just got 'fixed', I found it an appropriate and amusing name.)

I got this little fosterino just over two weeks ago, and she is adorable. She is sleeping on the coffee table next to me as I write this. Yes, one of her cute little quirks is that she loves sleeping on table tops! She's really good at learning that the dinning room table is of limits, but I indulge her passion for flat hard surfaces 'cause she's just so darn cute while doing it.

What else have I learned about this wonderful creature? She isn't fat like I thought she was right away- she may look it, but honestly she's just big boned! She's a little thick around her middle from the kittens, and with her fluffy fur it turns her into a round ball of fluff!

She also usually looks mad in pictures. She should open up those gorgeous yellow-green eyes when I take a shot!

Fixie is also supper sweet and loves love. She likes attention and would probably do well with other animals or children. She likes to play fight, but has never used her claws or bitten me while doing so....

so that's it for now folks!