Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fixie is Adopted!!!

Fixie found a good home with Ryan, a man who builds and rides fixed gear bikes. It's love.

GOOD LUCK FIXIE! You are an amazing cat. :)

p.s. this video is hilarious.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I thought Fixie had found a home, a great couple came to adopt her to add her to their home. They had one cat already and they thought he needed a companion, which I thought Fixie would want too.

Apparently not, Fixie didn't like the other cat very much. She would hiss at it, but they were never fully introduced, so So she was sadly returned. She seems fine, and it's only been an hour.

But talking of time, Cat's are territorial alpha animals. Fixie was only given 3 days to adjust to her new home, which isn't really sufficient time for cat's to settle into homes or become acustom to new cats. Sometimes the cat's need to fight it out. It's not what we are used to as people, but it's perfectly normal. I had cat's growing up, and although they had lived together all their life they would still fight. It's normal.

So, if you are thinking of adopting this pretty lady, you will have to be patient with her if you have a cat already.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm becoming one of those people who takes pictures of their pet...

Attack the blanket!!!!

She loves holding onto my arm chair rest and nuzzling it... it's so cute....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Smooth operator...

This cat blows me away with her skills in the combo moves. She's seemless as she jumps from erratic behaviour to the next. For that, I love her.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Fixie was sleeping on the couch. She was fully stretched out parallel to the couch... as she yawned and stretched and meowed... she rolled over and off the couch in one sweeping motion. It may have been the cutest thing I have seen ever.

It was like this.... then she rolled over and off.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Fixie really has the COOLEST fur I've ever seen! I guess you could call her a 'tortoise', but she's grey, white and ORANGE. So strange! So fluffy! She totally kept my feet warm last night! Cuteeeeeee!!!!!

Caption: " Stretch..... meeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwwww..... puuurrrrrrrrr"